Travis Snider Finger Saving Kitchen Utensil Gift Ideas

ByTom Smith|

It’s the most important Spring Training of Travis Snider’s career, and bad luck strikes again.  Snider cut himself while slicing sweet potatoes.  Damn.  The player who the Pirates acquired to be an impact offensive corner bat has sputtered since joining the Bucs at the trade deadline two years ago, coming over from the Blue Jays for Brad Lincoln.

Last year it was a bad toe.  This year a sweet pota-toe.  Since Snider spends so much time cooking, we thought of these gift ideas to protect him as he tries to wrest the right field position away from Jose Tabata, Jaff Decker, maybe Andrew Lambo, and definitely Gregory Polanco in the future.

The important thing for Snider to remember is that in order to win the job, he will need all four fingers on each hand.  We have yet to see the player with less than eight fingers and two thumbs be successful in the bigs.  We bet there is somebody, but we don’t think Snider could swing it.  He has struggled thus far as a Bucco using all ten digits.

After coming into camp early wearing his Seattle Seahawks lucha mask and poncho/vest, it looked like Snider was relaxed, ready to compete and flash a few sliding Zoltans!   Now, we learn about this unfortunate accident that will set him back temporarily.  Godspeed, Travis Snider.

Of course Snider was in the Best Shape of His Career As a Pirate too.  Damn potatoes.  Or is it potatos?

If you are close to Snider may we suggest these kitchen gizmos?

The kitchen glove.  Not really sure what exactly a refurbished glove is… perhaps stay away from that one.

We are more in love with the idea just buying him a mitre box.  Those pesky potatoes would fit inside there and his fingers would be safe for years!

And finally this thing, which still looks too dangerous for us, perhaps a welder could enlarge it for him?
