Monroe Leads Twin Domination

The Pittsburgh Pirates put a hurting on the Twins AGAIN. The Twins have four spring training losses, three at the hands of your Pittsburgh Pirates.

With the win the Bucs are only a game and half back of Atlanta.  We have started on some design ideas for the Grapefruit League 2009 Championship Shirts. Any ideas out there for what you want to see?

Craig Monroe went off today with three homeruns. All were bombs.  Nothing wind aided. In the locker room after the game on FSN Sports Monroe said, “Me and Donnie Long have been working in the cage.”  (Really?  You think, good God Mr. Monroe you are on a tear!)

Heh. pssss… Andy…Andy…It’s a bad time to have a back ache Andy Phillips. The Rumbunters are pulling for Phillips, but WOW, what a day by Monroe! 

Monroe leads the league in Homers with six. He actually is tied with the Arizona Diamondbacks and Houston Astros.  The team that is sports fans. Monroe leads the team in RBI with nine.  The interesting part?  He has 30AB!

He has hit homeruns in the league before.  Put together big seasons of 20+.  Just not last year when he was awful.  I commend the Pirates for finding Monroe.  Kudos front office.  One difference this year for Monroe?  That leg kick is gone.  Remember who else had a leg kick that was adjusted before a monster year?

Yeh, it stings a little… I know honey…the X man.  Xavier Nady dropped his leg kick last year.  It worked out well for him.

Sean Burnett made the game close with a horrible outing.  A few hits to guys named Machado…Matos …Romero and Butera a third string catcher? Burnett threw one inning–4 hits 3 runs (all earned) . 1 walk, 0 strike outs, 0 HR–

Tabata had a hit and two walks.  Boy I like this kid.