Our Version of Pirate Countdown Will Continue


We have taken heat for our depiction of the Pirates countdown to becoming the franchise with the longest losing sterak in sports history. If you don’t like it, don’t push play. In case you didn’t notice, we are trying to have a little bit of fun in this short time that the Pirates have sucked. Soon the Pirates will be really good and that might not be fun. Yeh, that’s it.

If you like the countdown let me know. If you don’t like it let me know too, I do value your opinion and will try to get it out of the way quickly.

The Bucco Ballad from the ESPN site is here. Catchy jingle.  Have fun this weekend as I will be in York for the State Softball Tournament.  I will be back Monday night.

The Ryan Doumit Case is solved by crack CSI reporters. It was a thrown batting helmet. Ok. Hilarious.

The Steelers preseason is nearly over. Thank God.  The final opponent for the Stillers will be the Carolina Panthers. As you probably know, Fansided covers everything and our World Champion Steelers site is Nice Pick Cowher.  Always great insight over there at NPC.  Chris’ site is one of the most popular on the planet.

The Panthers  are provided excellent coverage here at Cat Crave

He even has his own radio show!   Check out his pics including the one of Sir Purr.  I thought he would look tougher, didn’t you?

Behind the Steel Curtain does a great job looking at Brett Keisel accepting less money to stay with the Steelers.  He makes a point of saying Keisel could have made more elsewhere, similar to Max Starks and Heath Miller.  Good stuff here is the link.

 Get ready for the upcoming football and hockey season by checking out the video I saw over at Mondesis House..