Ben Roethlisberger Trade: Five Visual Reminders It’s an Idiotic Move

Please stop with the madness.  You’re a Steeler fan?  Do you really want to ship the franchise out of town?  The player that Bruce Arians’ offense has been built around?   The offense.  All of it.

I worry about Ben Roethlisbergers’ concussions. Will the next one knock him out  for life?  That is a bigger concern to me than if he can ”bounce back after getting counseled, rehabbed, or whatever.”  Ben has jumped out of the grasp of much bigger challenges in his life.

Roethlisberger was suspended based on an accusation. I wasn’t aware that was worthy of a conviction.

The Steelers don’t have a solid backup plan in place for the long haul. So, unless Kevin Colbert was out last night drinking with another NFL team bought them shots all night and was able to swipe their franchise quarterback in a deal, its’ a seriously questionable decision. Well, just plain idiotic.  Unfathomable to me.

Why would the Steelers want to make a massive financial move in the top ten of the draft?  It’s idiotic.  So leave the top ten for the loser teams that are there, those teams earned that top ten status.  Don’t trade Ben or the Steelers organization will find themselves in that top ten in the draft all on their own.

So these are the options? Hmmm…

No thanks.