Pirates fans are frustrated. You're probably experiencing it all around you. People know..."/> Pirates fans are frustrated. You're probably experiencing it all around you. People know..."/>

A Couple Of Reasons For Bloody Pirates Fans To Have Faith


Pirates fans are frustrated. You’re probably experiencing it all around you. People know that you are a Pirates fan and apparently, it’s enjoyable for people who aren’t fans of the team to piss you off by saying stupid comments.

A lot of people are asking me what they should do now? Do I continue following this team? Some that have really bought into the hype are in the dumps. When will it end they are asking. It’s a great question.

Arguably, it is the toughest and most challenging time they have experienced as Pirates fans in recent memory. The team is just so young. Only the Cleveland Indians are younger in MLB.

The Pirates lack starting pitching. The Pirates lack power. It’s a lethal combination.

But have faith.  We took a look at what the die hard Pirates fan is going through and came up with a few strategies for you.

In the middle of all of this losing, is your life as a Pirates fan. Every time you take an action, whether it be investing the time to listen, watch, or attend a game, the result or return on your investment is typically a Pirates loss.

The decisions you make as a fan had an emotional basis, a logical justification on your part.  But when the team plays so poorly especially against the elite teams, it leaves fans wondering should I go to the dark side. Should I just give up hope on these 2010 Pirates?

The Pirates should be your emotional release from reality.  Unfortunately, it’s not a great time to watch baseball right now with the Reds in town and fighting for their playoff lives. The Reds have a dynamic offense, one of the best in the NL. So it might be time to revist an old RumBunter article,  The Second Half:  Seven Ways The Pirates Can Win:

We listed seven things that we felt could improve the team.  Take a close look at how Huntington managed to move the veterans especially Ryan Church, Bobby Crosby, and Octavio Dotel. It was important, so important that Church and Crosby get shown the door.  Now Neal has scratched that off the list. One down, six more to go.

It’s a small victory, but one that you can point to around the water cooler.   You can really have some fun with that, work it.

But as you know, with youth comes frustration.  Also with youth comes great moments of joy.  Don’t give up on the youth, you will regret it.  What do you want to be a deadbeat Dad fan?

Another victory for you can come on Thursday when James McDonald takes the mound.  The Pirates grabbed a starting pitcher for a 36-year old closer.  Granted, that closer had one of the best video entrances ever, but still an old man for a starter.  Unbelievable.

McDonald is talented.  But he hasn’t been given much of a chance.  He hasn’t actually performed all that well either.  But point to that casually and also to the fact that the Pirates were able to grab another top player in the deal.   For some reason, the Dodgers decided to add Andrew Lambo, the drug tarnished prospect, to the deal.  We feel that Huntington drove a hard bargain.

Remember the tweet in the middle of the day that said, the Pirates were happy to keep Dotel as their closer for the rest of the year and next year?  Yeh, that “leak” worked.

The Bucs grabbed not one, but two talented players for Dotel.  That is another small victory that will pay off down the road when both players increase their value with the Pirates.    Lambo can play.  I don’t know how much of an addict he is, but that’s always a good story too.

Throw it out to your friends that you read somewhere that Lambo could be the next Josh Hamilton.  Have some fun with it.  Turn the tables on the ass clowns.

But look, none of this means much if you don’t believe it.  Make a decision based on what you feel is best for you.  Not on what your Dad would want you to do.  Not on the person who taught you how to keep score of a baseball game would want you to do.  This is your call.

You will be much happier.

But please don’t worry what those jackasses say about your Pittsburgh Pirates.    If you would like to reduce your fandom, go ahead.  Whatever.  If you’re like me and the rest of us, here is another tip:

Make sure you keep an eye on the 82 loss plateau.  That would be a good time to lay low.  If you’re in college, drink in the room for a while.  If you’re working, what a great time for a three day vacation.  Hell, if you’re away at school, tell your professors your emotionally stressed.  It will work.

By the time the haters catch up to you, just say, “man that is such old news, the 18th consecutive losing season?  Really?  What?  Did you think they were going to win the World Series?  Go back to watching [insert Jersey Shore, Bacherlotte on Tivo, or the appropriately gay reality show that will tarnish your persecutor the most.] You need to catch up on life man.”

As you know, it’s important to plan ahead if you’re a faithful follower of the Pirates.

And remember, the worst of the ride is over for this year.  It’s August.

Fight through it for another week and all eyes will be on Latrobe.