` Uh Huh, You Know What It Is.  How big is Pittsburgh's own ` Uh Huh, You Know What It Is.  How big is Pittsburgh's own ` Uh Huh, You Know What It Is.  How big is Pittsburgh's own

How Hot Is Pittsburghs Wiz Khalifa? San Francisco Radio Won’t Play Black and Orange



Uh Huh, You Know What It Is.  How big is Pittsburgh’s own Wiz Khalifa right now

He’s so big that most of San Fran is pissed about hearing the bumpin Black and Yellow all day rather than a new mix called Black and Orange.  The song is rapped by Bailey and it celebrates the Giants World Series victory.

Check out the video below where San Quinn got pissed and called the radio station.

San Quinn said he wasn’t trying to disrespect when he said

the following:

"“Tell Solid G this is San Francisco, we just won the motherfucking World Series, y’all are supposed to be playing ‘Black and Orange,’ period, point blank,” he said. “I’m not trying to be mean, I’m just telling you the truth. Ain’t no motherfucking Pittsburgh Pirates won, none of that shit. This is San Francisco, we won the motherfucking World Series, play ‘Black and Orange’.”"

Here is the Black and Orange video


Now for the real deal from Wiz (recognize anyone)
