Apparently if you pitch a nice game and your name is Paul Maholm you ..."/> Apparently if you pitch a nice game and your name is Paul Maholm you ..."/>

Pirates Paul Maholm Gives Up Run, Get Over It


Apparently if you

pitch a nice game and your name is Paul Maholm you can tell Pirates beat writer Rob Biertempfel whatever you want .    Strange.  It must be the new nickname Clint Hurdle gave Maholm.  Apparently Maholm is trying to live up to the image of Paulie Walnuts Maholm.

Here is the quote fro Maholm:

"I gave up one run, Maholm snapped. Get over it. I threw seven innings (and allowed) one run. Does it really matter if it’s the first or the fifth? I cruised for the rest of the time. Would I like to have a clean inning? Sure, but overall results are pretty much what we’re going for."

Perhaps Maholms’ effective pitching  can continue to improve in 2011.

Perhaps there are a few hypothesis we can develop:

A. Maybe cutting off a man who has been on the beat so long is the way Maholm treats others when he is pissed.   Being pissed about losing isn’t a bad thing.

B. Maholm is jacked because his 30 pitch first inning ruined any shot he had at catching the NHL playoffs.

C.  Maholm is trying anything new to develop a bad guy image.

Whether the answer is A, B, or C we simply trust Maholm can keep it going.  The runs have to come eventually.

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