Pittsburgh Pirates Trade Deadline Countdown: Desperation

In one of the most hilarious

headlines in the early Major League Baseball trade speculation season, this one might have set the bar.

Yeh, no shit the Angels were serious about Garrett Jones.  Just as soon as Neal Huntington stopped laughing at the suggested return of Jeff Mathis for the Legend, we would guess the “serious discussions” ended.

In the clip below, Huntington spoke about the other GM’s in baseball having the false belief that the Pirates were desperate to make moves.  This should be Exhibit A and it wouldn’t surprise me that the Pirates leaked this story so that Pirates fans can understand the context.

It won’t be easy to make a deal early in trade season, and the Angels might be the desperate team with such poor ability to hit right handers.

Jeff Mathis is a weak catcher.  Michael McKenry will be just fine for another few games for me.  The kid has a lot of his Pirates teammates behind him.  No matter how bad he sweats through his spikes.

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