Remember back in the day? When we started out, and started it all?
Our very first guest ever was Charlie Wilmoth, he of the very fine Bucs Dugout. Well, with a new season nearly here, we decided it was time to have Charlie back on the fine Rumbunter Podcast – and wouldn’t you know it? Charlie seems to have been casting the “anti-Smitty” vibes, as we were without our East Coast host, who apparently had to go to New Orleans to try to reverse the juju. Actually, we are pretty sure Smitty was purchasing a Cryin’ Ryan voodoo doll at Marie Laveau’s . No matter, Cocktails, Charlie and MVP Adam cover the bases on all things Bucs, and several things that aren’t. For instance, how you can get the last album by Charlie’s band FOX Japan HERE. Anyway, we had a ball, and hope you will, too.
Click below:
The Rumbunter Podcast (Vol. 2 Ep.5)
It’s timely. It’s free.
It’s the best Pirates’ podcast you can find anywhere.®
How can you beat that?
You can’t.
Don’t forget – follow our twitter feeds: @cocktailsfor2 / @rumbunter / @edwordtoyourmom / @RumbunterPodcst
And remember to catch Adam’s show live streaming every Wednesday from 10:30 – Noon (CDT) on WLUW