Tom Reed from The NOC, one of YouTube's original sports networks, reached out to us with..."/> Tom Reed from The NOC, one of YouTube's original sports networks, reached out to us with..."/>

[VIDEO] Every Fan of Major League Baseball


Tom Reed from The NOC, one of YouTube’s original sports networks, reached out to us with this video.  In the video the actor wears a different hat from each Major League Baseball team and quickly describes the feelings of the team.

Tom said he wanted to pass it along to us. It’s a new Major League Baseball comedy piece that they just produced recently.

The video is in honor of the end of the regular season. The NOC tried their hand at summing up the feelings of every fan base. Tom wasn’t real humble when he told us he thought they “did a pretty solid job.”

If he had any idea about the feelings of the Pittsburgh Pirates fan base, it wouldn’t be what you will see in the video. In fact, we think this sucks as it relates to the Pirates. Maybe we’re just bitter.

I think it would have been great if the actor just had a numb look on his face and said absolutely nothing. Perhaps, he would try and speak, but nothing could really be said.

That sucks too.   I don’t know, it’s just the first thing that came to our mind.

I know one thing that I wouldn’t write is what NOC wrote, but anyway, some of the others are good.

Here is the description on the video:

Every Fan of Major League Baseball spouts off about the 2012 season! Let us know if we got your city right!
Simply “Like” us on Facebook and share the video w/ the tag “@TheNOCTV.” 3 lucky winners will get their choice of an official MLB hat. This is a SUBSCRIBER ONLY contest, so make sure you subscribe