Well, the rumor that circulated quickly this morning--Garrett Jones was scratched becaus..."/> Well, the rumor that circulated quickly this morning--Garrett Jones was scratched becaus..."/>

Pirates Yankees Trade Rumor Dies: Garrett Jones Has Oblique Strain


Well, the rumor that circulated quickly this morning–Garrett Jones was scratched because he would be traded to the New York Yankees ended quickly.  Tonight the real story came out–Garrett Jones woke up Wednesday morning with tightness, but he played against the Boston Red Sox in Fort Myers anyway.

Jones said he felt fine during the game, there is no mention of how he felt on the two hour trip back to Bradenton.  But how does a guy wind up waking up in the morning with a minor left oblique strain?

Sometimes we drink beeer in bed.  When our placement of the beverage on the night stand is off, it causes us to sometimes stretch a bit too far, maybe GFJ drinks brews in bed too?

Wild sex?

Brad Hawpe dropped an elbow on GI Jones in the middle of the night?

Maybe Jones was working hard as he created his new twitter account that he slept on his phone?

Who knows.  Jones said that he didn’t know how it happened either.  Taking it easy is the plan.  Jones said he might only take infield but doesn’t plan on swinging a bat for a few days.

These type of injuries always scare the hell of us.  Let’s trust it’s just a few days.

Read the complete story here on Trib Live.