Gregory Polanco Gregory Polanco

VIDEO: Pirates Gregory Polanco Homered, Again. Thank You, Sweet Baby Jesus


Gregory Polanco is making the Pittsburgh Pirates dismissal from the 2013 Major League Baseball Postseason, at least, a little itsy bit more tolerable. Polanco homered again yesterday and threw out another runner.  Two homers.  Three assists.  Two games played.  Yes.  I’m smiling.

We saw the 6’4″ Polanco a few times in 2013.  When I saw him he looked skinny–maybe its the fact that his listing of 205 pounds hasn’t been updated recently.  I took a ton of pictures, the entire time thinking damn he’s tall.  And really thin.  But then I look at the pictures and he just looks lean.  Sort of like those pictures of Starling Marte a few years back.

The more I think about Gregory Polanco the more I think about when I spoke to Wilbur Miller a couple years ago in Bradenton.  We were both rather awestruck watching Starling Marte.

The kid had grown up.  It wasn’t just me who thought that, Wilbur said it while I thought it.

It’s hard not to imagine.  Maybe it was a dream.  Or a dream that I haven’t dreamt just yet.  But it’s rather exciting to think about how much Polanco will look all grown up this year in Bradenton during Spring Training.

If you want to check out Polanco’s first homer, set to some really strange elevator music, here you go.  It’s odd–, but it’s such an effortless swing.

Hat Tip to John Dreker for finding Polanco’s first homer video with The Escogido Baseball Club.  Good God, this looks easy.