”The fans deserve better.” These are four words that are often the first that come to mind from the average sports fan whenever a team isn’t living up to expectations. Right now many our saying that about the Pittsburgh Pirates.
”I’ve been going to *insert team here* games for 30 years, and all they do is disappoint me! I deserve better than this”. Every sports fan believes that he/she is an important part of the franchise that they support, and fans are indeed vital. Without fans, there are no ticket sales. When there are not ticket sales, there is no money. Without money, there is no team. Every year, teams use the last home game of the regular season as ”Fan Appreciation Day/Night. They use the day to thank the paying customers for all of their support, and those thank you’s are genuine. The Pittsburgh Pirates will be doing the same.
Monday afternoon, as I witnessed my Pittsburgh Pirates get utterly embarrassed by the St. Louis Cardinals for their 7th straight loss. I was very frustrated, and I saw many people on social media express their frustrations in a colorful manner. But while I, as a season ticket holder for 18 years, have every right to be frustrated when my teams don’t win and have no problem with fans who feel the same way, the idea that failure affects the fans of Pittsburgh more than it does the members of the organization is ridiculous. Let’s take a look at the people who ”deserve better’.
Next: The Players Deserve Better