With end of the 2010’s, let’s look back at the Pittsburgh Pirates 10 best players of the decade, starting with numbers 10 through 6
We are now in a new decade. The 2010’s for the Pittsburgh Pirates had some of the best moments in franchise history, but some pretty low moments for the team as well.
Regardless, we watched some very talented players play for the Pirates. Here at Rum Bunter we want to look at the 10 best players the Pirates for the decade. We took a vote, and this is who we voted on as the 10 best Pirates players of the decade. This is how the voting worked. A 1st place voted equaled 10 points, a 2nd place vote 9 points, and so on down the line.
After the staff members voted we added up the point totals for each player that received votes. The top 10 vote getters were then named Rum Bunter’s top 10 Pirate players of the 2010s.
Today, we will start with part one of our 10 best Pirate players of the decade. So, we will start with number 10 and go through number 6. Make sure to check back this weekend for the top 5 players of the decade.